Friday, December 23, 2011

Time for our animal protection organisations to promote veganism

So disappointed by our three most prominent animal organisations - Voiceless, Animals Australia and, worst of all, the RSPCA . In fact, let's say I'm completely bloody disillusioned with the RSPCA.

If you are an individual who believes that nonhuman animals deserve our respect and protection the first thing you do is stop eating or wearing them - i.e. you become vegan.

If you are an organisation dedicated to caring for, protecting and engendering respect for nonhuman animals, your prime message to your followers must be to go vegan.

None of these organisations does that. The RSPCA even promotes and sells its own approved meat and eggs.

Voiceless co-founders Brian and Ondine Sherman had an opinion piece published in the Australian of Dec 23 which listed the ways in which we cause misery to our fellow animals for unnecessary food - especially at Christmas - but finished with, "If you must have meat, consider buying only freerange. It may even be time to explore meat-free alternatives to traditional festive fare.."

Animals Australia at least tries to nudge people toward the vegetarian section of the supermarket and suggests alternatives to eggs and dairy.

I can only hope that 2012 will see some sort of strengthening within these three organisations. Voiceless and Animals Australia must begin to unequivocally promote veganism.

RSPCA is coming from such a low base that their aim might be to stop promoting their approved meat and eggs. Their vegan days are a way off yet , I'm afraid.

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