Would we tolerate them being kept by the thousands, 2 or 3 per cage in stinking, filthy, vermin infested sheds like those in West Belconnen?

Would we ignore the fact that the dogs weren’t fed for the last few days of their lives in order to save costs?
Would we turn a blind eye to the thousands who have their legs broken when they are hauled out of the cages to be crammed into crates then driven in an open truck to an abattoir somewhere near Geelong – over eight hours away?
Would we be happy that hundreds of ‘spent’ dogs that escape or are dropped during this ‘depopulation’ fall into the huge pile of their own waste to drown or to be trapped unable to move and left to die?
Would the ACT Government defend such a factory as the “single-largest contributor to Canberra’s primary production sector” – despite it paying less that $10 per week for the land?
Would the RSPCA and police be more prepared to act on such blatant cruelty if the victims were dogs – rather than chooks?
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